
I feel that’s the best way to describe how I’ve found the equipment so far. I have never used or seen anything like it! The equipment is very unique and will increase your strength over a period of 6 weeks (using it once a week, 2 circuits at a time).

As a Personal Trainer at ESPH I utilise the equipment myself, induct members and train clients using the stations too. Each station’s settings are set to the individual by a trainer along with a strength test on each machine. Once this has been completed, the machine will calculate the correct resistance needed to push/pull and resist. The station is then set up and ready to use for the member to complete as advised.

eGym, perfect for training with my back injury

I have been training on eGym myself and I’m not sure my description will do it justice. I have had a back injury and I still find myself going in to protective mode when doing certain exercises, however with eGym I don’t have this as I know it’s set specifically for myself to work with my range of movement and my own strength. I have noticed a huge difference in my own strength especially when training on the Gym floor, I like to work with my bodyweight and I’m now nearly able to do a pull up without the assistance of a resistance band (something I have always struggled with) . Because of the unique set up of eGym it really engages me thus resulting in my workouts being more productive.

eGym, so versatile for all ages and capabilities

The fact that eGym is so versatile makes it a very unique experience for every type of member. If you aren’t used to using gym equipment it will give you confidence whilst increasing your strength thus resulting in peace of mind that you are doing the exercises correctly. If you are used to using the gym and looking for further strength gains eGym is also for you because of the strength testing and negative training. Negative training increases the resistance and time on the eccentric contraction phase of the muscle (loading whilst lengthening the muscle), something that you are not able to do on your own or by using other equipment and this is the first piece of kit that allows you to train in this way, making it extremely unique. eGym can help anyone to improve strength levels regardless of age or ability.

Handy app to keep you on track with your eGym workouts

When using eGym the app will constantly track each workout you have done. Your chip (which is provided to our members) stores your Data which is linked in to your mobile device. After each workout you can see the Reps and Weight Lifted, your Strength Test is recorded in a graph and tracks after each strength test so you can actually see (not just feel) your strength increase. There’s an option to track your weight and there is a Gym ranking league (you gain points every time you use it) and you can start to climb the league table! There are also levels (which are achieved through your points) and within each level there are health pointers for maintaining that level.

I love the visual feedback & feel I really benefit as I can see all my improvements and I’m a little competitive so I like the gym ranking league! Egym training is the future for everybody’s fitness journey!


How healthy is your weight?


eGYM Strength training